The Ten Possible Rapture Points in Revelation?

The Ten Possible Rapture Points in Revelation?
This is a different and refreshing approach to the massive and incredibly important topic of the Rapture, something that is very special to Christians. This will not be trying to prove a particular rapture theory correct, nor will it be trying to disprove any particular rapture theory either. The Rapture will be looked at in a neutral and objective manner, trying to assess ALL the possibilities of where the Rapture could take place on the time line in line within Bible Prophecy. What does the scripture say rather than what other people or myself have to say.

This is a complex topic, but the ultimate goal is to keep this as simple as possible with no complex information or presentations, but some explanatory diagrams do creep into the video (below) due to the complex nature of the topic.

In the video featured at the end of this article

1. Will firstly look at the main Bible verses that mention the Rapture, which come mainly from The Apostle Paul and John, which are straight out of the New Testament in the Bible

2. What are the Four Main Rapture Time line Theories out there. At present they are Pre Tribulation Rapture, Mid Tribulation Rapture, Pre Wrath Rapture and the Post Tribulation Rapture and a demonstration where they appear on the Book of Revelation Prophecy Timeline.

3. A look at TEN possible rapture points that appear on the Book of Revelation Time line covering a whole spectrum of chapters. An analysis of the relevant Bible verses using Xiphos Bible Software to see what they have to say in relation to a possible rapture at that time. Do they fit the description of a Rapture, or are they mentioning something else.

4. Some personal views on the rapture and the things I have seen out there and some further scripture, which you can FYOO (Form Your Own Opinion) on and DYOFR (Do Your Own Further Research)

Rapture Theories and Analysis
The very essence of The Twelve Gates website is based primarily on The Book of Revelation and the Bible Prophecy it contains. To get to the very bottom of the Rapture conundrum we have to FIRSTLY look at the two main verses that The Apostle Paul and John mention to get the background on what shape and form the rapture will take and how it will affect Christians in the last days.


1 Corinthians 15:52
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

Once you have the HOW information on the Rapture contained in these verses and see what the Rapture actually is and what form it will take, then you can start to approach the topic of the WHERE and WHEN on the prophecy time line. This is NOT abundantly obvious on the first or subsequent readings from the above 2 scriptures.


Michael Svigel of states

"One must ask where the Rapture is found in the Revelation before one asks the question of when the Rapture is said to take place, if indeed the timing of the event is even asserted by the context"

This is a very valid and important statement as the Rapture and the Last Days are interconnected and the Book of Revelation in no uncertain terms is all about the last days. So if there is a Rapture then the Prophecy contained within the Book of Revelation will give a sure fire indicator whether there is one or not and possibly when it will occur?

The Ten Possible Rapture Points according to Keith H Esse of The Masters Seminary
The backbone of this study into the Rapture and when it could possibly occur appears in "the rapture and the book of revelation" part of The Masters Seminary Journal by Keith H Essex who is Assistant Professor of Bible Exposition. He comes up with the following ten possible rapture points throughout the Revelation Time Line they are as follows:

1. Rev 3:10-11
2. Rev 4:1-2 and 4
3. Rev 5:9-10
4. Rev 6:2
5. Rev 7:9-17
6. Rev 11:3-12
7. Rev 11:15-19
8. Rev 12:5
9. Rev 14:14-16
10 Rev 20.4

I have picked this particular study, as the angle he approaches the Book of Revelation in Rapture Prophecy terms is refreshing and open minded and starts right at the beginning to let the Bible reveal the truth instead of arriving with some pre-conceived notions of when the rapture will take place and using the Bible to provide the answer to that pre-conceived notion, which will always lead to the wrong result.

After conducting this study Keith H Essex then comes to the conclusion that only one of these Ten Rapture Windows could possibly be the rapture, which will be revealed at the end of this study in the video.

Watch the video The Ten Possible Rapture Points on the Revelation Prophecy by The Twelve Gates at You Tube for a full in depth analysis and some personal conclusions on this and other rapture theories and the possible timings and form your own conclusions.


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