Showing posts with label mega churches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mega churches. Show all posts

Exposing False Prophets, Religious False Teachers & Mega Churches

Exposing False Prophets and False Teachers

Exposing the truth and an in depth look at the rise and rise of the False Preacher, False Prophets and Mega Churches and their associated culture. The Bible in the Book of Revelations warns that in the End Times there will be many deceptions and many false teachings and False Prophets. It warns us to test the Spirit.

But what is a False Prophet or False Teacher?
These are people that appear to be in the Christian Faith, appear to have Christian Values, they may even have prominent positions in Religious establishments such as Churches or other such institutions, but their teachings tend to be of the "ear tickling" variety preaching what is called "The Wide Gate and the Broad Way" Prosperity Gospel.

Some views from the owner of this website on self proclaimed False Prophets that appear on various websites across the Net

The most well known False Prophets, False Religious Teachers and False Mega Preachers have large ministries and followings and commonly have what are called Mega Churches which can be football stadium in size. These types tend to be very charismatic, charming, overly nice on the surface, can be angelic looking, softly spoken in interviews and most importantly they tell you what you want to hear and "Twist" the word to achieve that objective often without you realising. Their agenda

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