Showing posts with label prediction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prediction. Show all posts

The Bible Code. Is there any truth in it?

The Bible Code. Is there any truth in it?

A fascinating look at the topic called "Bible Code" which takes the understanding of the Holy Book to a completely new level. This article is based purely on a video search on You Tube that produced this particular video as a "Recommended for You". Link at foot of article. It's in 2 parts but you get the general drift from Part 1. I'm no expert on such things but this is one of hundreds of weird and wonderful videos I see on my travels and there's a lot of stuff out there on Prophecy and End Times. This article is an illustration of what is out there. Some of it is good, some fact, some bizarre, but there is a lot of blatantly obvious rubbish out there.

This is a closer look at something that doesn't fit into any of these categories, and is potentially believable. It can be said it's highly controversial and a dangerous look digging deeper into the Hebrew Bible called The Torah which equates to the first five books of the Old Testament in the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). and forms the basis of the Jewish religion called Judaism.

The Torah according to Torah Resource International

The torah is, therefore, in the strict sense instruction designed to teach us the truth about God. Torah means direction, teaching, instruction,or doctrine

The language the Torah is based on is Hebrew which is a symbolic and numerical based language. Judaism is a religion heavily based on numbers! According to this video

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