Showing posts with label google plus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google plus. Show all posts

The Twelve Gates News December 2016

The Twelve Gates News December 2016

The Latest news for The Twelve Gates, December and the run up to Christmas and the New Year for all the websites including the official website here, over at Twitter, You Tube, Google Plus and the New Facebook Page. A look back over the year, as this website had it´s first Birthday this year as I bought the domain on 30/10/2015, the first post was a couple of days afterwards.

The December You Tube News and Latest Developments Video

Christmas Period Updates. Applies to all websites. I need a break people from all this doom and gloom but back to normal in the New Year. Here´s what´s happening update wise on the run up to Christmas over the Christmas Period and New Years.

12-18 December Usual Updates
19-23 December Usual Updates
24-26 December No Updates
27 December Limited Updates
28 December Limited Updates
29 December Limited Updates
30 December Limited Updates
31 December Limited Updates
1 January No Updates
2 January No or Limited Updates
3 January Usual Updates and Back to Normal

Website News:

Visitor numbers have ballooned on this website in just the last couple of months? We are talking about 5 times the normal average amount?? Thought it might be something to do with the US Elections, but I wasn´t writing anything about it, gave a brief mention around about the time of the results, that was it. The election has been and gone and the visitors levels are still the same, for whatever the reason? Have to say not complaining! Probably a Google thing giving the website a thumbs up....who knows? A US University (not Harvard or Yale) has recently linked to one of The Twelve Gates articles..........could be that, which has made Google sit up and raise it´s eyebrows. Again, who knows??

Business as usual until the end of the year at the official website, over the Christmas period will probably do some staring out of the window and have a few pipe dreams and see what happens, but at present why change a winning formula. The website design also will remain the same, it works, looks good, and easy to find your way around....if it isn´t broken, don´t fix it. BUT..... there could be a few new ideas springing up in 2017?

Twitter News

Again not blowing my trumpet here but for an End Times website The Twelve Gates Twitter seems to be growing steadily and close to hitting the 20K level which is again quite an achievement for such a specialised topic feed. Seems to be more involvement at the latter part of this year with regard to retweets..... that´s good. Again no plans to change a winning formula, but some new ideas may come into the mix. Currently looking at more reliable news sources with the current "Fake News Websites" headline running riot, but will continue to use the more non mainstream news sources that do not have an agenda, as long as what they are saying is real and checks out. A lot of the topics covered by The Twelve Gates are so specialised and low volume in readership, they are of no interest to the mainstream media anyway.

Google Plus News

This was started after Twitter and again over the last few of months has nearly doubled in followers or Circles which again is good news. Google Plus seems to be a lot slower and have more involvement than Twitter in general, but is a smaller platform. I like it. All posts and video updates will continue to appear over at The Twelve Gates Google Plus. Again some new experimental ideas may appear in 2017, as always watch for further news on that.

Facebook News

Was started a couple of months ago amid a lot of initial interest and hundreds of likes in a couple of weeks, only to come crashing down and see them deleted to about 9 likes and a similar number of followers??? Not sure what happened there, but I have a sneaking suspicion either Facebook is not keen on Religious and maybe Christian websites, or they are keen on getting you to pay to advertise and increase exposure of posts and get likes as that seems to be in your face every time you log into the control panel. As The Twelve Gates website is a "Not for Profit" website, that will not be happening any time in the near future, so 9 likes and a similar number of followers it is. I have no intention to pay for followers or likes on Facebook or anywhere else. Basically with The Twelve Gates Facebook Page which is called "thetwelvegatesmedia" it currently features exclusively video content only with a few words, so if you are on Facebook you don´t have to keep checking over at YouTube to see what the latest update is, if you are more a Fan of Facebook than You Tube.

No current plans to do anything radically different over at Facebook, I´ve never been that keen on it and the first couple of weeks over there has only reinforced that view further! Prefer Twitter, it´s way more suited to the fast paced End Times News environment. Will just continue to plod along with Facebook and provide an alternative source/platform for those who love Facebook and want to get The Twelve Gates over at that social media website. Again watch for further developments in 2017 but I will need to see stacks more in the way of numbers, before that gets developed or pushed any harder. I´m not one for flogging a dead horse!

You Tube News
Last but not least the head scratching You Tube channel. A separate video link here will be appearing giving the latest news over at that Channel and  will be embedded here later, explaining what will be happening in the coming months, as that is a whole different animal.

To summarise, I Love You Tube, and I am pushing hard over at that channel and giving it a kick up the rear quarters on a daily basis to wake it up. About 4-5 videos will be made every week until the channel hits 50 or by the end of the year, whichever is sooner. Then I will be looking at the numbers and reviewing where to go next in 2017. So far the results have been luke warm at best, but the religious topics are slow burners and Bible Prophecy seems by far and away the topic that generates the most interest. Exciting times over at You Tube, I have a feeling it could blow up some time in the near future, it will eventually.... just like the website... it´s just a question of when and not if.. The Twelve Gates at You Tube just gives another angle and dimension to the blog posts over at the website as well, so it will become increasingly important in 2017 and beyond....IF WE ARE STILL HERE?

As always keep checking back for the latest news updates.

The Twelve Gates Website News June 2016

The latest news from The Twelve Gates website and associated websites for June 2016. What has been happening behind the scenes, what changes have taken place and what is in the pipeline and other general news to do with the Twelve Gates.

Was on holiday last week. Desperately needed a break from the End Times game, it can get a bit depressing at times. Did some much needed work on The Twelve Gates website that never seems to get done, and some changes have been made as listed below and on the other associated websites.

Website News

The Twelve Gates website has gone through a number of experimental design changes from the initial simple single page Blog Layout onto the more recent two column designs and now the recent incarnation which is a Newspaper|Magazine style theme. I think this is design No 5. This one seems to be getting the thumbs up from all quarters including myself, visitors and Google.. It looks good, loads fast, is easy to find your way around, has loads of menus. In short it's a slick little number. I think we'll stick with this one. The website also has been tested on mobiles and tablets and looks good there as well.

Onto the content. The style of the website is changing to end times news commentary and opinion and Christianity and spirituality, rather than just fact. The most popular post by far on this website is "The Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross" eclipsing all the extreme weather and natural disaster articles which you think would be the most popular. The subject matter covered will be going a bit broader beyond The End Times, but will still have End times as it's main theme.

Each topic category now has it's own RSS feed and the sites feed also now has it's own Icon amongst the social media icons on the top right on the main page as well as in the footer. 2 sets of Daily Bible quotes are featured on the main page from different sources. The photo based one was scrapped as it was taking too long to load and slowing the site down.

Posts and Updates will now be AT LEAST two a week and I'm looking to make it about 4 or a week. Posts will now feature added embedded videos from various sources to add a bit of eye candy and a multimedia angle to each article instead of just boring video links.

The Book of Revelation Chapters 1 to 22 with a brief description of what that chapter is all about has been added over last week. Pictures and videos may be added in the future to each chapter to expand the information further. Very important Book of the Bible this one, it's the very backbone of what this website is all about and how it got it's name and what started it. Links may also appear within the text of each chapter leading you to articles on the website that further expand and explain that word, phrase or parable.

Comments are now accepted on the website and are checked pretty much Daily during the week. Most of the current comments are basically Spam but have been included as they are 'nice spam', if there is such a thing. Anything you agree or disagree with on this website or anywhere else, get it off your chest and make it known. It's nice to hear my views, but it's nice to hear other peoples as well.

Topics Now clearly labelled on this website and having their own category on the main menu including Extreme Weather, Natural Disasters, Tech, The Cosmos, Unexplained, Book of Revelations, Society and more.

News Most of the articles at The Twelve Gates are commentary on news but it may feature some actual news articles as well in the future. Something that is being looked into.


Minor or major change over at Twitter ThatFJ which used to be my personal account with my photo and my name has now been changed to The Twelve Gates as the name, my photo has been replaced with The Twelve Gates logo. The Twitter user name ThatFJ obviously remains unchanged. The content and everything including the owner else remains unchanged

Business as usual with tweets between 3 or 4 when it's quiet and 10 or 12 when it's busy. Normal times are early am, late am, some early pm and the last update about 9pm ish. Found some edgier sources of End Times info that have started to creep into the Twitter feed so it's now a good mixture of mainstream and alternative news, opinion and commentary, extreme weather and natural disasters, the strange weird and unexplained and more focus on the worrying changes in our modern day society.

Google Plus

Has been out there for just over a month now and the last time I looked it had 127 followers and rising slowly. This social media channel tackles some more controversial End Times material stuff that provokes discussion and commentary. Major headings over there include End Times News, End Times Articles, End Times Video and Spirituality. Blog posts from the Twelve Gates feature over there as well. I personally prefer this Google Plus to Facebook which I'm not a fan of but the downside it doesn't have as many people using it as the social media giant Facebook as it is still fairly new. Updates are once a day 3 or 4 times a week, may go daily if it gets more followers.

You Tube

Currently 11 videos over at The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel. This channel is still in it's experimental phase. Some videos are proving hugely popular for such a new channel whilst others are just getting 100 or so views. Still looking at different types of video format going ahead with the emphasis on more original content and video footage. BUT will still feature the video compilation/mash up format with thumping soundtrack as some are proving popular. They will still be produced. Recently got a microphone from the Boot Sale for next to nothing and will be playing around with this for video purposes. As they say watch this space?


Currently just a duplicate of what is over at The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel but featuring videos in a Blog format. Again looking at ways of making this Tumblr to feature content independent of the You Tube channel Again watch for further news.

Newsletter. Currently just an experiment to see if anybody is interested. The big websites seem to do this but it only works when you have masses of visitors coming to the site which this site doesn't have yet.

Email Subscription. If you are not getting updates via RSS and Twitter and prefer Email this is currently being looked into and a link or similar may appear for people who want to get the latest updates via this method.

All the social media links are just below the main menu on the top right hand side. Watch for further news!

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