Showing posts with label World Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Problems. Show all posts

The Homeless. Does anybody care?

The Homeless. Does anybody care?

This article is designed to raise awareness of the tough subject of homelessness. It delves into the world of homelessness, what the definition of homelessness is, how people end up homeless, some examples and asks the question "Does anybody care?" . This is one of those articles that people tend to bypass thinking it will never happen to me, but we are all literally just a couple of steps away from being in the same situation. If what I think is coming is actually coming, then I think this is going to be much more common and you need to study this article, it's another brain fryer and be warned it doesn't make pleasant reading.

This article can't possibly cover everything to do with the homeless but aims to scratch the surface and maybe a bit deeper in some areas. Some of it is sad, some of it shocking.

The Oxford Dictionary Definition of Homeless


(Of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets

A woman who in the Christian faith we call a "Sister" I watch on You Tube (one of many) gave me the idea and inspiration to write this article. Her

Mass Animal Deaths Worldwide. Is there an explanation?

Mass Animal Deaths Wordlwide. What is the explanation?

Animals on land, sea and air are dying in increasingly large numbers, it seems to be becoming more frequent in 2015. Fingers seem to be pointing at pollution and pesticides in all these areas being the main cause. Climate change, Disease, Pathogens and El Nino are  also being cited as a contributory factor. Toxic waste is yet another. More bizarre causes cited for the deaths include: a result of UFOs, government tests, or even secret weapons. The death levels are so high what would normally take thousands of years to wipe out and make a species extinct, at the current rate would take merely years for this extinction to take place.

This article concerning recent antelope deaths is a case in point. Information courtesy Live Science

It's affecting all species,

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