Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Good Vs Evil. The classic power struggle?

Good V Evil. The classic power struggle?

The classic debate of what is Good and what is Evil. What's the difference? Is there a difference. How can you tell? If you are Evil can you become Good  and vica versa. Is the battle external as in all around us or is it inside the human psyche, conscious or otherwise such as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde . Are people born evil or good as in is it Genetic. Examples of Evil and Good in Hollywood Film and even advertising. Taking things to the extreme does Evil and Good actually exist or is everything neutral in our world and is only coloured by our preconceptions, society, religious or cultural brainwashing or even just a figment of our imaginations..........we actually live a a place that is utopia? We'll take a look at all these different views.

In my humble opinion there is a spiritual warfare going on in the world in these modern times between what I cal

The Illuminati in the Entertainment Industry. Is it real?

Katy Perry and One Eyed Symbolism

This is Part 2 of an in depth look at whether the Illuminati or Secret Society are myth or fact. This article will move on from the introduction, history, how it works, symbolism in everyday modern life and how it features in the corporate world and move straight into the whacky and bizarre world of the entertainment industry. It's a monster.

It will include what I saw as a Celebrity Photographer, the pervasiveness of satanic symbolism in the Music and Film Industry, some personal views on the Illuminati and other Occultic sects, some examples of how it appears in direct and indirect form. Also whether you believe in the Occult or not is totally irrelevant, there are people out there that very much believe in it and use it's power. It's out there, and it 's real, I'm talking from personal experience!. This article will require an extremely open mind, it's not your normal everyday stuff, and if you are a celebrity fanatic, or of a closed mind "this is garbage" or "conspiracy theory" mentality........................ then I suggest you stop reading now!

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Treasure In Heaven Not Here On Earth

What is meant by Storing Treasure in Heaven and not here on Earth. How do you store Treasure in Heaven. What did Jesus have to say about it...

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