Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts

What is Born Again or Saved?

What is Born Again or Saved?

This article is about the very special term "Born Again" delving deeper into what it actually is, how you receive it, what happens, what changes take place and more importantly how you do not receive it.

This is a heavy, heavy article that comes with a Warning that some of the videos featured here may have an emotional impact and are probably best viewed in private and not on say Public Transport, McDonalds or whilst in the queue at the local Supermarket. Don't say I didn't warn you!

The owner of this website talking about the journey he went on before he actually got "Saved" or "Born Again". It is a Spiritual Journey to put it mildly!

So what does this "Born" Again mean or what is often referred to as "Saved"?

Oxford Dictionary Definition
Of, pertaining to, or characterized by (an experience of) new birth in Christ or spiritual renewal; of a Christian: placing special emphasis on this experience as a basis for all one's actions, evangelical

Born again is a phrase used by many Protestants to describe the phenomenon of gaining faith in Jesus Christ. It is an experience when everything they have been taught as Christians becomes real, and they develop a direct and personal relationship with God.

With the voluntaristic type, rebirth is expressed in a new alignment of the will, in the liberation of new capabilities and powers that were hitherto undeveloped in the person concerned. With the intellectual type, it leads to an activation of the capabilities for understanding, to the breakthrough of a "vision".

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