Showing posts with label prepping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prepping. Show all posts

Advanced End Times Prepping. Are you prepared for the Hordes?

Are you prepared for the End Times Hordes?

This article has come about after watching a recommended video that popped up on You Tube and also the recent chaos in the US. It´s a chilling one and depressing as well, but I think it is essential viewing to mentally prepare yourself for what is to come. Shook me up for sure..........takes a lot to do that these days. I´m not here to terrify but to inform. The video has been left till the end. I suggest you read this article first and your mind will be adjusted by then to what you will hear.

This is not a Prepping website and this article is aimed more at Non Believers rather than full on Christians. Christians will know what you have to do and you certainly don´t need me to tell you how and when to do it. BUT this may still be of interest, if you are not in the Pre Tribulation Rapture camp which I am certainly not .This is something that I think everybody needs to be mentally prepared for, whatever level of preparedness you are at if at all and Believer and Non Believer. You will not hear this one very often . I briefly covered this topic in a video called "Christian Prepping in these End Times"

You will be told by many what is the best food to get, best water filters and essential medical supplies, tents, fire starters, self defence items and the list goes on and on. What you will not hear so often, is what will it actually be like when the lights go out and thinks go back to the 1850´s and people start freaking out and modern day society starts to go down the plug hole. Unless you have some idea how this will pan out, you are not really prepared for anything no matter how much gear, food and water and medical supplies you have stashed away.

In this modern day society, we have food, water, shelter and creature comforts on tap, we are comfortable, well fed and watered and fresh safe non contaminated food and water is always on hand. We don´t have to grow it or hunt and kill it. BUT what happens if you take all that away? People change dramatically when their food and water supplies are cut off, with no sign of any return in the foreseeable future and start to do desperate things. One thing that is common in such a situation is the rise of a frightening phenomenon that is based on safety in numbers and in prepper circles this is called "the hordes".

When the food supplies start to run out and you are in the cities the following things will start to happen if you are a Prepper. Doesn´t matter if people know or they don´t know you. If you have food stashed away, it will show by your actions which will be different from everybody else and the following things will happen probably in this order..

1. You will get knocks on your door, initially from neighbours, old friends you haven´t seen for years and the occasional stranger. They will all be polite to start with in the early days, but you know they are only after one thing. That´s one of the many dilemmas you will face. To help or not to help.
2. You will get visits from the authorities who will probably do house to house visits in such circumstances maybe under "Martial Law" declaring that all the food and water you have is now the property of the government and will be re-distributed accordingly.
3. Further down the line when there is no food anywhere, this is when "the hordes" will emerge. Organised gangs numbering 50, 100 or 200 strong looking for preppers who have food, as they will be the only ones left who will have any. These "hordes" will do anything to get that food....ANYTHING!

The question the following video presents is "Are you Prepared" not only physically, but mentally prepared to see vast numbers of highly organised and desperate people that will be armed. How will you deal with this?

My recommendation is still food, water, medical supplies and a Location A and a Location B and Location C out of the cities, but if you watch this video by The Prepared Mind you will realise, all this is futile unless you take into account........"The Hordes".

This video gives a point by point breakdown of the Pro´s and Con´s of "Bugging In" as in staying put and holing up in a city and "Bugging Out" (my option) and evacuating the cities and living out in the sticks. Is one better than the other? What are the pitfalls. Can you overcome the Hordes?

One thing that I don´t think has been said on this website is the whole Prophecy thing that is heading our way, it doesn´t matter what you do, if you are a Non Believer that Book of Revelation is so designed, you will have a hard time surviving if you are not TRULY in the faith. That´s why it is designed the way it is.

Check out the video below. It´s basic, just like my videos, with some thoughts from John of The Prepared Mind in between swigs of a cup of tea/coffee, but at the end of the video it will dawn on you in no uncertain terms.......if you are a Non Believer there is no escape, no matter where you go and what you do. If you check the comments somebody said the best option is get a cheap old yacht and sail 100 miles or so offshore away from land. Read the Book of Revelation, you will realise maybe that is not such a good idea either. No Bible quotes in this article just read "The Book of Revelation"

FEMA Camps. A closer look

A look into the highly controversial and bizarre world of FEMA camps. An experimental post. Are FEMA camps real, or is it all just conspiracy theory? Is Walmart up to something or is it just business as usual. Are FEMA camps a good thing and shows that the Government cares, or is it some sinister plot and the beginnings of the introduction of the Orwellian New World Order. Are there interconnected underground tunnels in the US or is it a load of hogwash. Has there been a mass purchase of coffins in the US?. Do they know something we do not. Are FEMA camps the next Auschwitz or is it all good news and all in the name of Government Preparedeness. Are FEMA camps the way that the RFID chip (some call the Mark of the Beast) will be introduced. This again is a form your own opinion article.

This is well and truly heading into tin foil hat territory.............but is it? FEMA camps are OLD, OLD news with many news items coming out around April 2016 and going back way before that, reporting various strange goings on around the US including Jade Helm and a growing uneasy feeling that "something is going on" and more importantly "we are not being told anything about it". This website was aware something was happening, but decided to stay on the sidelines and raise awareness at a more appropriate time. That time is now. This websites aim is not to scare but to warn, raise awareness and make you mentally prepared for what is to come.

It´s difficult to answer all these questions and in reality any of them. The videos included here attempt to answer questions on a topic that is highly secret and volatile in nature. There have been some strange goings on in the US for some time now, large movements of military vehicles by road and rail, strange underground sounds and the bizarre closure of Walmart stores across the US, FEMA trains, amongst many other weird and wonderful stories. This article via some of the more mentally balanced videos out there, aims to scratch the surface to see if there is any truth to all this, it ties up with some of the articles and videos on Christian Prepping and Preparedness and also Martial Law.

FEMA camps and Preparedness

FEMA camps if you have any form of Preparedness in your future plans is something that has to be taken on board. If you are prepping for the worst and are more of an independent type or are a Christian and will be putting your trust in the Lord to provide or both, then FEMA camps will not be your concern. If you have no intention of preparing and will rely on the Government to provide, then FEMA camps will be your concern.

Rumours abound that people will be rounded up at gun point via Martial Law and sent to these FEMA camps with no say in the matter when a crisis situation arises and many say these will become enforced labour camps or enforced RFID chipping centres or worse something like Auschwitz from the second world war, with mass gassing and cremation. None of these chilling rumours can be confirmed, they have validity but we will only know nearer the time. What can be confirmed from all this though is that the powers that be know something is coming and they have for some time, and they are keeping pretty quiet about it, maybe in order to avoid a mass panic situation.

The problem with these rumours is the following:
1. If there was a nationwide crisis in the US or some sort of natural disaster, war, pandemic or economic collapse, EMP attack with mass power outage or something similar people would not need to be rounded up at Gun Point to go to these FEMA camps, they would be on their knees begging to come in, in a time of crisis when they have no other options. The Government knows this.
2. If there is a New World Order coming then surely gassing or cremating the potential population that this New World Order will be ruling over doesn´t make a lot of sense.... as there would be nobody left to rule over?

The Potential Problems with FEMA Camps.
Letting somebody else take care of your preparedeness plans comes at a price, if indeed this is what these camps are intended for.
1. Disease problems (many people packed into a small area makes it easier for disease to spread if there is an outbreak...look at the Jungle Calais)
2. Loss of Independence. You will be at the mercy of the officials
3. Loss of Privacy. Everything inside these camps will be closely monitored in an Orwellian style
4. Loss of freedom? Once in...... will you ever get out again??

Superb video below going into great detail on disaster and preparedness psychology and FEMA camps.

Some Realities from alternative sources:

The First Camps
Here´s a recent news article which again is of the form your own opinion variety about such a Camp that has opened in Arizona. These camps will serve as special camps for conservative-leaning Americans who openly dissent against the current US Administration and the Democratic party, through Facebook status updates, Tweets, blog posts, or in private conversations intercepted by FEMA. via National Report

All Armed Americans To Be Detained In FEMA Camps Starting In 2017?
An in depth article going into great detail on Fema Camps with a stack of links to further articles from The Last Great Stand

Fema Camp Construction is Greatly Increasing via Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show

An investigation by Popular Mechanics into FEMA camps produced an interesting article that goes into various facilities, mass plastic coffins and recent Executive Orders. Again form your own opinion. The Evidence: Debunking FEMA Camp Myths

Vid: WALMART TUNNELS: DHS, NSA Venture Involves Hundreds of Stores 2015 via Dahboo777


Should you stay at a FEMA camp or avoid in a disaster scenario? That´s a personal choice, but after reading this and watching these unverified videos, if you have your marbles the answer is probably NO. It´s a choice I think you have to make now especially if you are in the US. Ignoring a problem doesn´t make it go away. If you have made your own arrangements, all well and good, then you will be going your own way. If you are a Christian prepared or otherwise you will probably be going your own way as well, as these places are probably places to be avoided, as the Book of Revelation prophecy indicates quite clearly. If you are wary of the rumours of enforced labour camps, compulsory RFID chipping, gassing or cremation on a massive scale like Auschwitz, again you have your answer and these places are to be avoided, regardless whether they are myth or reality. If you haven´t prepared then again you now have your answer..

Independently Prepared

Which brings us back to being independently prepared in the first place with the basics, food, water, medical supplies and the rest, just the basics to survive. If you have this and a preparedness plan (or a number of them), you can quite comfortably walk in the other direction of a FEMA camp and you will have choices (assuming there is no rumoured martial law roundup). It´s better to have options than no options.

As mentioned before, personally I don´t think the RFID chip is the mark of the Beast, it will be something else, or something that isn´t physical but it would form an electronic tagging backbone to a New World Order society as stated in the 2030 Agenda. My advice again is this, if it is implantable and is located as mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Forehead or Right Hand..........AVOID!


FEMA camps are a highly controversial topic, full of grey areas and mystery and surrounded by conspiracy, but this is one conspiracy theory that people need to be made aware of. You are then in a position to make an informed and pre planned choice BEFORE a potential disaster strikes rather than afterwards when you will have NO choice.

FEMA camps fact or fiction is worrying enough, but it´s the secrecy behind this activity that is more worrying than the camps themselves, which paints disturbing pictures of an emerging New World that we thought we had buried never to return at the end of the Second World War. Only time will tell!

Is Prepping Biblical? Should Christians be prepared?

Should Christians be Prepping. How far should you go?

A closer look at Prepping and in particular Prepping as a Christian. Is Prepping Biblical? Should it be done, if not, why not and the reasons why you should, backed up by many instances throughout the Bible where some form of Preparedeness was expected. This is not a scare mongering article but it is designed to give you a jolt whether you are a Christian or not and is a back up article to a recent video featuring myself giving an introduction into the world of Christian Prepping. This is a follow on from the previous article entitled "Is it worth Prepping for  Disaster" I feel very strongly we are coming into a significant period of possible developments over the coming months as mentioned in the Rosh Hashana article. I hope I´m wrong on this.

The idea for this article was drummed up after bumping into a fellow UK Christian on You Tube who is starting to Prep for what is coming. He says the time to start is now as in "immediately" and is filled with the same urgency as many others I have come across, including myself. He´s setting up a Christian Community and is sorting out locations, provisions and the rest as a just in case scenario. But he´s getting moving now and he´s got the same feeling of dread that I have that has only surfaced the last couple of months.

With Angela Merkel saying to people in Germany, you may want to stock pile emergency supplies by a certain date (in relation to a possible Terror attack) and Obama saying something similar like "be prepared for a disaster" (in relation to the Hurricane season or maybe more) and changing his stance on the prepping community?, people are starting to wonder, is this just politician speak or is it something more. When two of the most prominent world leaders start talking like this you realise you may want to start making some sort of basic plans yourself, at least in the prepping arena just in case. The response in Germany to the Merkel announcement is not being taken seriously. In the US maybe more so as Hurricane Katrina and Sandy are still fairly fresh in peoples minds. My response is just think Venezuela....that´s enough to get anybody Prepping pronto.

How do you Prep as a Christian?

But how do you do Prep if you are a Christian? This article will take a look at what is "Christian Prepping", does it actually exist, should we as Christians actually be Prepping or should we do as the Bible says and when the time arrives assume "Put your Trust in the Lord" and that "The Lord will provide" and rely on the Pre Tribulation Rapture to airlift us Christians to safety just before the Tribulation begins. In short is Prepping Biblical?

My definition of Christian Prepping.

Christian Prepping is being prepared for the End Days both spiritually, mentally and physically and with the basics, a location, food, water, medical supplies, survival and practical clothing and some form of shelter. More on these later. The Book Of Revelation has been around for two thousand years or so, all Christians should have read it, so there is no excuse for not being prepared.

A few words from me on Christian Prepping and what could be possibly heading our way. Just one of many scenarios.

How is Christian Prepping different from normal Prepping.

Normal Preppers will either specialise in prepping for one type of disaster scenario, or multiple scenarios or as many as is humanly possible. Examples would be a massive asteroid hitting earth, nuclear attack, chemical Warfare, national or economic collapse, EMP attack, military invasion, terrorist attack, hurricane, earthquake, massive tsunami or other natural disasters, a major pandemic even an alien invasion.

They will anticipate these scenarios, have a plan, location, equipment, logistics, power, shelter and will have forms of self defence including knives, guns and ammunition. Many will be doing this in a military style and plan to either go it alone or to form a group or communityin advance with others and have practice sessions. They are on permanent standby just like a Fireman and take what they do very seriously.
Christian Prepping is going to be a bit different. If you are preparing for the End Days, you have the Bible that gives you a bit of inside information on what is heading our way and the warning signs that we are getting close. Being a Believer you will have a powerful ally in the form of God and Needless to say if you are in daily Prayer you will be getting some form of guidance from the Lord in some shape or form.

The Basics
This in my opinion and from personal experience is the basics of what you will need and it will not cost the earth. If it's a SHTF scenario, society is going to take quite a few steps backwards, it will not be recognisable. Forget Gucci, Prada & Michael Kors, Starbucks, McDonalds and Air Con and Central Heating and think more Practical, Survival and Military style thinking, but with obviously a Christian bias. I think Christian Prepping is split into three categories. Spiritual, Mental and Psychological and Physical.

The Spiritual Aspects:
We have known for many years via the Book of Revelation, via Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and especially Matthew what signs would appear when we approach the End Times and the Last Days before the return of the Messiah. It´s all there in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Me, personally, I´ve noticed I´m praying more, reading the Bible more (especially End Times passages) and Dreaming more (some bizarre dreams, some I may share on You Tube you never know). So spiritually as far as I´m concerned I´m right there, but that doesn´t mean that a certain amount of preparedness is not required, I am getting that message very strongly. So Spiritual preparedeness is the No1, the Lord will be your shield and guidance but he will want you in no uncertain terms to prepare just like Joseph in those plentiful times for the famine that will be heading our way in Tribulation form. If the Rapture comes, especially Pre Tribulation all well and good..............but if it doesn´t come Pre Trib, you need to be spiritually prepared for what is to come with a Joshua style mentality otherwise you are going to hit some major problems.

The physical aspects:

Level 1 Prepping The Christian Prepping Level

This is not an exhaustive list, plenty more can be added and may be added in the future so keep coming back, but this below is a good starting. I have most of below in some shape or form. A word on locations, make sure you have 2 or 3 and even better 4 or 5.

Location. Elevation 1000ft plus away from Towns and Cities. You will not want to be in an urban environment when things kick off and people start freaking out and going into panic mode, believe me you will not. Be near a water source, not right on top of it but near enough. Woods and Forests are best for concealment and shelter and provide material for fires and shelter.

Food: Rice, Peanut Butter, Tuna, Milk Powder, Super Noodles, various dried food. Cooking utensils, army mess tins are good

Water: This will be like Gold. Learn how to creat your own source. Find a running water source (much better than still). Think Purification. Filtration and plenty of water containers. Know how to make a natural water filter. Otherwise you will be boiling suspect water which is a hassle.

Medical Supplies: Get a ready made kit (available everywhere and cheaply on Ebay) or better make your own. see Patriot Nurse on You Tube for details. She´s a love or hate type but she´s got the knowledge. Go on a Medical shopping trip with her here CHEAP Medical Supplies! DOLLAR Tree Shopping!

Shelter: Tent or Tents better than a camper van. Sleeping Bags, couple of roll mats, 4 x 3m tarp, rope. Axe and Shovel and Saw handy for making shelters and firewood  from local sourced wood. Boot Sales...repeat Boot Sales.... do not buy new!

Clothing: BACKPACK essential. waterproof breathable winter coat (doubles as a pillow), hiking boots (decent), waterproof breathable over trousers. Avoid denim takes ages to dry when wet, woolly hat for winter, gloves. Best colours are Black, Grey, Blue and of course Green. Avoid Camo, could cause you more problems than you expect and  gives off the wrong signals.

Heat and Light: torch small (remember batteries), learn how to make a fire, fire rod for creating sparks (a few quid on ebay). Unleaded or multi fuel stove avoid the Camping Gaz ones they are useless in winter, canisters will be in short supply anyway. " gallon or 10 litres of unleaded would last for months.

Backup Power: solar power charger for mobile, batteries, foldable solar panel with usb and other common connectors. If you decide to go 18th Century then this will not apply.

Transport: Sturdy mountain bike, cheap on eBay, vehicles will become useless as fuel becomes scarce or non existent. Get a budget toolkit, spare tubes, lock and puncture kit and spare tyres. Oil and grease. Again these will be in short supply or non existent. Get bike rack.

Communication : some sort of walkie talkie radio. Mobile networks and anything grid like in nature will probably be down and for some time.

Defence: Golf club, baseball bat or learn martial arts. Bow and arrow you can make yourself but arrows designed not to kill, only in a hunting animal situation.

Extras: KNIFE get one of those multi tool penknife´s and if you can get one a 6 inch knife or similar, not for defence but it´s an invaluable tool for many uses. Cigarette lighters, bleach (handy for many things), Newspapers (extra insulation. toilet paper, firelighters and makeshift towel), electrical tape from poundland. Extra strong black bin bags. 10L plastic containers for food storage and burial. Washing up liquid (multiple uses)

This is what I call Level 1 prepping and is something I think the Lord would want every Christian to do. Most of these things if you are in the UK you can get from Poundland or similar or Argos or Ebay. A good place if you don´t mind secondhand are Boot Sales. Will save you a fortune especially with outdoor gear and tents and camping gear.

Level 2 Prepping Advance Level Preparedness

This is getting beyond what I think most Christians need to do and I think should be avoided. It´s not the Christian way.

Here's some examples

Radiation suits, Pandemic style suits seen during Ebola outbreak, infra red vision, breathing apparatus, Gas masks, Buying or Leasing Inside Mountain Bunkers, Rifles, Shotgun, Handguns, machine guns, grenades , bazookas, swords, machetes, all terrain vehicles, flame throwers. You get the idea. This shows a total lack of faith and a turning of the back on the Father, if us Christians were to adopt such tactics.

There is a saying "those who live by the sword die by the sword" which ties up with this Bible quote

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Matthew 26:52

Something to take on board but that doesn´t mean you can´t have a deterrent and some form of defence. A golf club achieves that effect.

The Mental and Psycholigical Aspects:
Are you mentally prepared for this Tribulation that is most certainly coming our way. Are you prepared for a Pre Trib Rapture to not happen Pre Trib. How will you cope with mass carnage and destruction, people in panic mode and freaking out, martial law, pandemics, worthless money, empty supermarkets, riots, looting, modern day society gone back to the dark ages, no twitter, facebook, instagram, no power, no internet, no fuel, water shortages, food shortages, no TV or radio and no safety. How would you cope with power blackouts and no light at night time and all the sounds of a modern world have ceased. Could you sleep at night?

These are just some of the things you may want to start thinking about TODAY, look at the world we live in today and see how cocooned and protected we really are. We don´t have to hunt for food and kill it, don´t have to grow it or bake it, supermarket shelves are always well stacked, most diseases are pretty much under control and technology has made communicating with the other side of the world a 1 second affair. How would you cope when all that is suddenly removed? We are just 72 hours from Anarchy!


If the Rapture comes Pre Tribulation then this post is pretty much worthless but if it doesn´t come Pre Trib, I think it´s something to take on board. Take the following actions as listed above and you are in a strong and confident position to head into this Great Tribulation head on with a Joshua "bring it on" mentality . With the Lord looking over you it will be a winning combo. You will also be able to not only help yourself but be in a good position to help others in these coming trying times.

Carl Gallops on the interview above comes up with a good scenario where Christians who say "The Lord will provide" just use it as an excuse to not prep at all, put their head in the sand and when disaster strikes realise they have nothing...... knock on a fellow Christians door who does believe in the Rapture BUT has prepared, stays in their house and gets fed and lo and behold... The Lord has provided?

Isn´t it better to be the prepared Rapture believing Christian rather than the non Prepared knocking on the door Rapture believing Christian. I know which I would rather be.

As you hear from Christians everywhere, we are in the Season but we do not know the day or hour.............but we are getting close!

There may be a second part to this article in the future looking at more advanced Prepping including the pros and cons of communities. To finish here´s somebody that says the complete opposite of what is being said here and is in the Pre Tribulation Rapture camp. Form your own opinion!

To counter that argument you may want to check out my previous post on Monks, Hermits and Anchorites especially watch the Agafia video, she´s living proof of what I´m saying here. I take more notice of her than somebody on You Tube, but again form your own opinion.

Some Christian Prepper people to give you further insight into Biblical Prepping including Zion Prepper You Tube, OffgridSurvival.Com and PreparedChristian.Com

Bible Quotes:

Luke 21:36
36. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Hebrews 11:7
By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

Matthew 24:36-37
36. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
37. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew 24:42-43
42. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
43. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

Mark 13:33-37
33. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
34. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.
35. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
36. Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

1 Thessalonians 5:4-6
4. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

Jeremiah 38:2
Thus saith the LORD, He that remaineth in this city shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: but he that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live; for he shall have his life for a prey, and shall live.

Is a Super Volcano eruption imminent. Luxury Preppers seem to think so?

Is a Super Volcano eruption imminent?

Volcanoes and Volcanic activity have  made the headlines especially lately in 2016. This article takes a closer look at Volcanoes, especially the threat of Super Volcanoes, their destructive history, is there mega activity in 2016 and what's going on behind the scenes in the luxury Prepper stakes with the worlds elite. Is their increased interest in remote bunkers?

2016 has been pretty much a continuation of 2015 with extreme weather and natural disasters dominating the headlines with El Nino being cited as the reason for most of these catastrophic occurrences. In the first half of 2016, Volcanoes have been more active than recently, this phenonenom seems to be accelerating as we speak and Scientists and experts agree something is going on. Classic volcano names such as Mt Etna in Italy and Mt St Helens are springing back into life and making the headlines again and the term "Volcano Swarms" also seems to be surfacing. The term "swarms" is a similar expression

Is it worth Prepping for Doomsday or the End of the World?

Is it worth Prepping for the End of the World?

Enter the strange and wonderful world of Prepping, Preppers and Preparedness made popular by the Reality TV show "Doomsday Preppers". This is a huge topic, I confess I'm no expert but I know more than the average person, but this article merely skims the surface. DYOR is the best advice here. This is a follow on article from the "Modern Day Society is just 72 hours away from Anarchy"

Are you ready for when Doomsday or the End of the World finally arrives. The question

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