Showing posts with label richard dawkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label richard dawkins. Show all posts

The Atheist Vs The Christian. Who is right?

The Atheist V The Christian?

The Atheists Vs The Christian. Another one of those infernal battles of what initially looks to be polar opposites, but do they have more in common than we think. One of my favourite topics. It is an absolute minefield, many advise not to even start going down this road it's a road to nowhere or a road to maybe a total loss in faith, exactly why I've dived in head first, I'm confident that the Atheist arguments will not have a dent on my faith! So who is right if anybody?

Before we start I am a Christian (new and born again) but I have the utmost respect for Atheists being a former rebel, love to hear their views and hear them out. Some of the most intelligent people on this planet are Atheists, but then a lot of highly intelligent people are Christians as well. This is a blog post where I let the Atheist have his day, a complete open ended article, you decide who is right and who is wrong.

The Atheist is a non believer, doesn't believe in God, is not religious and believes only in things that have a scientifically proven or rational explanation that we can see with our own eyes. Everything else is rubbish or false.

The Christian is a believer of Jesus Christ and God, is religious and only needs spiritual proof

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