Biometrics, RFID and Bio Hacking and Biblical Prophecy?

Are Biometrics and RFID part of Revelation Prophecy?

A delve into the future technological world of RFID, Biometrics, Bio Hacking and Cyber Security and looking how this fits in with Biblical Prophecy, if at all? A highly complex topic and massive article combining two polar opposite topics, Science and Technology and Religion. About a weeks worth of research and writing here and it's a mind boggler. Does the latest ID technology tie up with what is mentioned in the Book of Revelations the last book of the New Testament of the Bible or even any other books of the Bible, is it something to be concerned about, what are it's applications, will it become compulsory in the future, health issues and privacy concerns and many other questions that come to mind with this brave new world that is emerging on our doorstep as we speak.

Vid: Biometrics, RFID and Bio-Hacking Latest News

Many companies are hopping on the RFID, Biometrics and Bio Hacking band wagon and seeing this as the future for global ID, financial transactions, healthcare, security, communication, enhanced human culture and an increasing multitude of other uses. This topic is so new, if you Google any of these 3 keywords, there are things out there, but not a huge amount at present. Delve deeper,

Jesus and The Seven Words on the Cross.

Jesus and The Seven Words on the Cross

This is a spiritual article taking a closer look at the seven words on the cross said whilst Jesus was on the Cross. Good Friday marks the day when Jesus was crucified on the cross to save us from our sins because of his love for us. He was crucified at Calvary between two common criminals and suffered a miserable end which is recalled on the Holy Day called Good Friday. The most important day of the Year in the Christian Calendar, which gives rise to the Easter Weekend and the lead up to this time is called “The Holy Week”. The picture above is different from what you normally see about Jesus on the cross, this one is an arty charcoal like drawing, but the message is ultimately the same. No supporting video for this article. Doesn't really need one!

This article analyses the words said by Jesus during those final hours. Information is taken from various respectable sources from the net, but as with everything in the bible the interpretation is alwayso pen to debate and I do not claim to be an authority on such matters.

The Jesus Crucifixion Scene from the 1961 Film "Barabbas" actually filmed during an Eclipse" Video 

As miserable as his death was, going by the way of Crucifixion which was a death reserved for

Survival Stories: People, Bibles and other Religious Objects Surviving the Unthinkable

Survival Stories including People, Bibles and Religious Objects

This article takes a closer look at miraculous survival stories, those real life changers that make even the most hardened atheist start to think. This looks not only at human survival stories but holy objects as well, such as crosses, Mary and Jesus statues and bibles and other religious artefacts such as Rosaries. This article merely scratches the surface of this subject, it's a huge topic, some future articles going into more detail on each topic mentioned here may appear in the future. At present there is no follow up video to this article on The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel, due to the subject matter concerned. There may be one in the future. Stacks of links in this article that would probably take a day to go through properly!

A bible quote from the Old Testament sums up this survival scenario regarding Daniel and the "fiery furnace":

Daniel 3:27
And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

Survival stories are numerous, always capture the imagination and they happen too often for them to be merely lucky coincidences. Car

Tornadoes and their Biblical tendencies?

Tornadoes and their Biblical Tendencies

A delve into the world of Tornadoes also called Twisters. These occur globally but are renowned for forming in the US in the media termed "Tornado Alley". This article takes an in depth look at Tornadoes of various shapes and sizes, admires their sinister beauty and raw destructive force which can verge on catastrophic at times when they are at their most powerful. It's not just the awe inspiring sight of these wind vortexes that fascinates, for me personally it's the path of destruction that they take and how sometimes entire neighbourhoods will be flattened for miles, but for some miraculous reason one house or other object is left untouched and still standing amidst the trail of destruction. Why to this day is a complete baffler even to the worlds leading scientists? Hence the title of this article "Tornadoes and their Biblical tendencies".

This article just like last weeks article on Asteroids and Meteors will have a supporting video which will be released over the weekend over at The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel. A link will also appear in this article. UPDATE VIDEO LINK via The Twelve Gates at You Tube

My definition of a Tornado or Twister is

Fireballs, Meteorites, Meteors and Asteroids. Are they on the increase?

Are Fireball sightings on the increase?

This article takes a closer look at Fireballs, Meteorites Meteors and Asteroids which are all variations on a similar theme. These again have been around since the dawn of time and this article has come about because it just seems that these incidents are on the increase and an asteroid called 2013 TX68 is due to fly by in the next couple of days.. Thought it worth delving a bit deeper.

Are the events of say the last couple of years something to be concerned about, is it fact or has technology made it easier to catch these happenings of the cosmos, or is something else really going on? The fact that the last ice age is supposed to have been brought about by one of these objects impacting/colliding with our planet means that the threat is there and may not be as far fetched as people make out. Maybe not just the stuff of Hollywood films, they are out there, and we are seeing them increasingly, all shapes and all sizes. When you delve deeper into this topic you realise how lucky we have been to not be hit by one of these on a monthly or yearly basis. This article is part scientific and part general observation and part biblical prophecy analysis. It's not an end of the world prediction it's more aimed at increasing awareness of these space objects.

Firstly what is the definition and difference between Fireballs,

The Twelve Gates News March 2016

The Twelve Gates News March 2016

The latest news from The Twelve Gates including the website, Twitter social media and the NEW You Tube Channel. What's happening and future plans.

1. Behind the Scenes Technical Issues

Having problems with my mobile at present hence the erratic updates. Being looked into, basically the battery is fine but was run down to totally flat the other day and now will not accept a charge and just keeps booting up, stopping the reboot and then shutting down. As per ususal it's just outside the 12 month guarantee but way off the end of a 24 month contract. Hope to resolve this issue by the end of the week. In the meantime updates will be as and when.

2. The Website

The Twelve Gates website has had a recent change of design, still minimalist with the focus on content rather than loads of distracting in your face things going on. The design is similar to the previous one but is a bit more social media friendly with the ability to retweet an article

The Biblical Nature of Monster Hurricanes?

The Biblical Nature of Monster Hurricanes?

This article takes a closer look at Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes, the real monsters the Cat 5's. In particular it is focused on two recent record breaking Tropical Cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere including Patricia and more recently Winston and also a look at Chapal then comparing those three  to the infamous Hurricane Katrina that hit the Southern US in 2005 and why these recent two are so different to the one that hit the US.

What is a Hurricane?
A hurricane is basically a massive storm which can sprawl for hundreds of miles with 500-600 being common for the larger ones. Winds are extremely powerful and winds can spiral inward and upward at speeds of 75 to 200 mph. Hurricanes last for a period of a week or so moving slowly over the open ocean at speeds of 10-20 mph. Hurricanes are unpredictable in direction and intensity by the very nature of their heat gathering and energy generation through contact with warm ocean waters.

The Atlantic Ocean’s hurricane season peaks

Strange Skies, Strange Clouds and Strange Sounds? A closer look!

Strange Skies, Strange Clouds and Strange Sounds?

This is an open article. Form your own opinion! A closer look at the increasing global  phenomenon  of strange skies and cloud formations and strange sounds from around the world. The above photo screen grab from a recent video viewed got me thinking, and thought lets take a wander down the road of "Strange Skies and Strange Sounds" and see what we come up with. Whilst we are at it lets put that tin foil hat on!

A lot of strange things going on in the world at the moment and 2016 is proving to be no exception. The attitude here is to take everything seriously unless proven otherwise. This is another one of those "The Bible Code. Is there any truth in it?" articles that requires in places an open mind , in others it's blatantly obvious it's either pretty real or a total  fake.

Starting with strange cloud formations. These are nothing new, are well documented in meteorological circles, they've been around for some time and are a result of atmospheric conditions  and extreme storm fronts and weather systems. That these formations exist is not the issue, but recently some of these formations have become not only more frequent but also are taking on a more blatant form with many having a clearly biblical message, symbol or feel.

Some examples of cloud formations that although rare

The Homeless. Does anybody care?

The Homeless. Does anybody care?

This article is designed to raise awareness of the tough subject of homelessness. It delves into the world of homelessness, what the definition of homelessness is, how people end up homeless, some examples and asks the question "Does anybody care?" . This is one of those articles that people tend to bypass thinking it will never happen to me, but we are all literally just a couple of steps away from being in the same situation. If what I think is coming is actually coming, then I think this is going to be much more common and you need to study this article, it's another brain fryer and be warned it doesn't make pleasant reading.

This article can't possibly cover everything to do with the homeless but aims to scratch the surface and maybe a bit deeper in some areas. Some of it is sad, some of it shocking.

The Oxford Dictionary Definition of Homeless


(Of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets

A woman who in the Christian faith we call a "Sister" I watch on You Tube (one of many) gave me the idea and inspiration to write this article. Her

What is Born Again or Saved?

What is Born Again or Saved?

This article is about the very special term "Born Again" delving deeper into what it actually is, how you receive it, what happens, what changes take place and more importantly how you do not receive it.

This is a heavy, heavy article that comes with a Warning that some of the videos featured here may have an emotional impact and are probably best viewed in private and not on say Public Transport, McDonalds or whilst in the queue at the local Supermarket. Don't say I didn't warn you!

The owner of this website talking about the journey he went on before he actually got "Saved" or "Born Again". It is a Spiritual Journey to put it mildly!

So what does this "Born" Again mean or what is often referred to as "Saved"?

Oxford Dictionary Definition
Of, pertaining to, or characterized by (an experience of) new birth in Christ or spiritual renewal; of a Christian: placing special emphasis on this experience as a basis for all one's actions, evangelical

Born again is a phrase used by many Protestants to describe the phenomenon of gaining faith in Jesus Christ. It is an experience when everything they have been taught as Christians becomes real, and they develop a direct and personal relationship with God.

With the voluntaristic type, rebirth is expressed in a new alignment of the will, in the liberation of new capabilities and powers that were hitherto undeveloped in the person concerned. With the intellectual type, it leads to an activation of the capabilities for understanding, to the breakthrough of a "vision".

The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel News Feb 2016

The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel News Feb 2016

The latest news on The Twelve Gates Video Channel February 2016.

The first video for this channel was uploaded on Sunday 31 January and features 15 minutes worth of video news that I think are Prophetic in nature. If you check The Twelve Gates Twitter Page and look at the month of January, there was stacks of things going on but this first video highlights the most important headlines. Video link below.

Prophetic News Watch January 2016 Video

Zika, The Financial Markets, Biblical Style Storms around the world, multiple tornado touchdowns in a small area at the same time, and increasing Australian Bush Fires. All these things are classed as " not the norm" and have a Biblical ring to them.

Updates on this channel will be a minimum of monthly featuring a video news summary of the last month. If there is interest beyond 10 views in 24 hours then videos may be weekly as well as a monthly summary. It's a new channel and just like Twitter it's going to take a while to build up a following

Any FAQ's on this channel head over to the You Tube Channel launch news article posted November 2016.

The video uploaded will be the initial format something along the lines of the Jason A You Tube Channel. There maybe some other formats where yours truly will appear (in voice form) commenting on a significant event that has materialised. Something along the lines of the Spiro You Tube Channel that has featured on the Twitter Feed. Both these video channels videos will still appear at The Twelve Gates Twitter unless the featured content duplicates what has appeared on a Twelve Gates Vid.

Videos will intentionally be advert free BUT because of the nature of You Tube some featured content may have to have an advert in place. I don't make any money on those adverts in case you're wondering.

Currently working on a logo for The Twelve Gates website and You Tube Channel. The current keyhole logo (naff I know) is just a temporary state of affairs and will be replaced in the near future. It was done to get the channel off the dreaded egg status.

The video update link will appear on the Twitter updates page but Subscribing to the channel is probably the best bet as you will be on the inside track and get extra features. Further news on that in the future!

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