The Twelve Gates News March 2017

Latest News from The Twelve Gates Websites March 2017

The latest news from the Twelve Gates Website and associated Social Media Channels for March 2017, but excluding The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel which now has it's own news. See The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel news March 2017.

With regards to End Times style headlines the last month or so has been eerily quiet? Yes there have been the usual M5.0 or so earthquakes, floods, landslides, wildfires, Mt Etna and Bogoslof eruptions, giant hail and tornado outbreaks, King Jom Un missile launches, never ending Trump headlines and the continuing Terrorist activity with the recent being London, BUT nothing out of the ordinary that has a Biblical nature to it.

Behind the scenes it's been a struggle to find 2 or 3 headlines to put out on Twitter.....that's very quiet. The news sources that are used from You Tube they have been quiet as well with update frequency dropping off significantly either that or staying the same, but with less significant headlines becoming more prominent, not the way that this website intends to go. If it's quiet....then it's quiet.

The exception being the Famine in Africa that seems to be spreading at an alarming rate. There has always been famine in Africa, with Somalia and Ethiopia being the relentless victims, but other countries are now becoming affected including in South Africa, which is starting to raise concerns, and has all the hallmarks of The Third Seal of Revelation.

Bible Prophecy Focus
Increasingly, especially on Twitter the Twelve Gates will be focusing more directly on Bible Prophecy and headlines that have a prophetic ring to them. Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather will be still be focused on, as it always proves popular, but again there has to be some Biblical ring to it, for it to appear on the website or on the other associated social media channels. A torrential downpour is hardly the End of the World, it's when a months worth of rain falls in 2 hours or huge storms in normally arrid areas such as The Middle East occur, that's when alarm bells start ringing at this end and the headlines will appear accordingly.

Distinguishing Accurate News from Fake News
The main concern these days is sourcing accurate news information. This website has always sourced it's news from the more alternative or underground sources as that is the nature of the news that is being dealt with at The Twelve Gates. Most of the news is not really mainstream enough for the top media to spend time on, they focus on things that generate huge volumes of views as they have advertisers to answer to. Hence why the alternative media is used, some of it is exceptionally good, but is always checked whenever possible, as sensationalism can creep in at times. Sometimes old headlines have a habit of reappearing as well when things are quiet, something you have to keep an eye on.

With the recent "Fake News" from various sources becoming an increasing concern, the nature and type of sources used is becoming much more important, otherwise everything you do starts to get thrown into question.

New Tech:
Behind the scenes The Twelve Gates has gone a bit Apple. Just a little bit? An IPad has recently been acquired (last week) for next to nothing (again as I have no money) along with a wireless keyboard and this news article is being typed on it. It's the older IPad 2 (The Pro would be nice) but it's fast enough for my needs. It's superb and the wireless keyboard is strangely better than the laptop which was at best typo city.

This iPad with the keyboard is silent, less than half the weight and the battery last 10 times longer! The laptop is now used mainly from the mains (battery last just 1 hour) and for video editing and graphics work and the recent decent microphone acquired (See You Tube Channel News) will not plug into the IPad. Apple it has to be said do have their own way of doing things which can take some figuring out (took 3 hours to figure out how to add an Excel spreadsheet to an email) but once you get used to it, it's there for a reason, to keep out the dreaded Virus and Trojans. Still playing around with this new toy and experimenting with various apps, (all free) but the end result should be some noticeable improvements across the board at your end, in some shape or form.

Social Media Channel Headers
The Twelve Gates Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus Headers will be changing in the next week or so and new designs are currently being worked on to give it a new fresh look, the existing header as good as it is has been there for some time and is due for a change. The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel will also have a new header that will be the same as all the other social media channel headers.

No changes at the website itself, same design, same layout and updates should be 3 times a week (down to 2 if an IPad has recently been purchased or something else crops up).

And that's The Twelve Gates News for March 2017. As always watch for further news and developments at The Twelve Gates website and associated social media channels.


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