The Twelve Gates Website News September 2016

The Twelve Gates Website News September 2016

The latest news regarding The Twelve Gates website including the You Tube Channel, Twitter and Google Plus for September 2016.

The Twelve Gates Website
There seems to be a surge in interest in The Twelve Gates website over the last month or two. Updates are currently 3 times a week and the posts are moving away from Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters and becoming more focused on End Times, Society and Spirituality and Book of Revelation Prophecy coming to fruition in our modern age. Even started covering controversial topics such as Christian Prepping and False Mega Preachers which is proving particularly popular. . The Twitter for The Twelve Gates is the best bet for an up to date look at what is going on in the world in Extreme Weather and Natural Disaster terms including News, Photos and Videos.

Some shorter posts may start creeping into the mix that will be more news related covering topics that are not so research intensive (some posts take days of research) , something that is being looked into which will add another dimension to the website.

Blog updates are either Tues, Wed, Thursday or Wed, Thurs, Friday depending on how much research is involved over the weekend hence why there are no blog posts or limited Twitter updates on the weekend.

The Twelve Gates You Tube
Big changes on here as well with a move away from Extreme Weather and Natural disasters and focusing more on other topics with an End Times bias. There are so many channels out there now doing End Times material, I decided not to be one of many but go in a completely new pioneering direction with videos featuring a personal appearance from myself getting up close and personal.

The new video series are called "Commentary" and are in a Vlog and RAW format but in HD. Just 2 at present, but more are on their way. They feature myself either expressing views or giving out some information on the hot topics of the moment either in the news or on the Web or on The Twelve Gates website. All recorded on my mobile. May also feature me having a rant, or getting out something that is on my mind that people may need to be aware of. These videos are much easier to make, seem to generate more interest with regards to interaction and comment. These videos are embedded into relevant blog posts on The Twelve Gates website to give it an extra dimension. Latest video link here talking about The Rapture.

It's original content and doesn't involve hours of post production work, just record, upload the video and You Tube processes it and does the rest. No issues with copyright, so I think this is the way forward. Currently updating about once a week, if they are popular they could be 2 or 3 times a week, because they are easy to produce. Looking at recording at other locations and also looking at other formats or styles of video in the future such as video slideshow with some commentary from myself in the background covering current hot end Times topics. Documentary style videos is another option.

The videos are currently being recorded down the basement at work, it's fairly quiet, with reasonable lighting and private. The backdrop is not great but is being looked into. These videos are currently being released on or near Tuesday but will try to be at least weekly.

At present I'm not responding to comments over at You Tube but that is something that is being looked into in the near future because not only is it a video platform, it's a social network as well.

The Twelve Gates Twitter.
Most of the tweets at The Twelve Gates Twitter are either updates from the You Tube channel or the latest blog posts from the website and End Times videos from You Tube or news links. May add some more personal but End Times related tweets. May also be a bit more interactive which will add another dimension to the Twitter experience instead of just one way communication. Update times are currently as follows:

Monday: 10am-11am Lunchtime Evening 8-10pm
Tuesday: 7am-8am 10ish Lunchtime Evening 8-10pm
Wednesday: 7am-8am lunchtime Evening 8-10pm
Thursday: 7am-8am lunchtime Evening 8-10pm
Friday: 7am-8am lunchtime Last tweet before 3pm
Saturday: Around 9am limited updates
Sunday: Around 9am limited updates.

All times approximate subject to news availability and number of tweets will vary on a day to day basis.

Video sources that appear on Twitter have been changed recently avoiding the bigger names in favour of the lesser known but equally good or better smaller channels. They will still be used on occasion if there is something important you need to know about.

The Twelve Gates Google Plus
Business as usual over at The Twelve Gates Google Plus with followers gradually creeping up. If you prefer Google Plus to Twitter hit us up and Circle us over there.

There are no plans to join Facebook now or in the future. Just doesn't float my boat. Not keen on their policies regarding media and not keen on the interface either, so I will be sticking with You Tube, Twitter and Google Plus. I think that's more than enough.

The Twelve Gates Backup websites.

In case there are any problems with any of The Twelve Gates websites for whatever reason here are some backup links backup website not being used much at present and getting zero interest again another backup site not being used much at present and getting zero interest.

Finally this needs to be said. I run this and all associated websites on my own and only have 1 pair of eyes. If anybody that follows The Twelve Gates website, Twitter or You Tube comes across any End Times information or News that would be relevant please let me know either via email on the contact page of the website or via social media. I do miss things and 20 pairs of eyes are better than one and 17k pair of eyes is better than 20! I can't pay you for the information but you will get credit wherever the information appears. Can't say any fairer than that.


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