The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel News Jan 2017

The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel News Jan 2017

The latest news from The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel for January 2017 keeping you up to date with the latest developments and news and what is in the pipeline for 2017.

The Manic Experimental Period
After a trial blitz of video uploads over a period of a couple of months trying different styles of video, different presentations, me in the video, me not in the video, bible quotes in the video, no bible quotes, uploading morning, afternoon and evening and late at night, shooting videos indoors and outdoors at different exciting locations, buying a new mic to see if that makes any difference, coming up with click bait thumbs with massive text and thumbs with no click bait text, exciting titles, weird titles, seo friendly titles, short titles, long titles, few tags, loads of tags, short description, long description, tlking loudly, talking normal, talking quietly, talking fast, talking slow, .............every variable under the sun has been played with and after doubling the number of videos on The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel to 50 and after much thought and staring out of the window and scratching of the head and careful consideration, the following conclusions have been reached.

1. Bible Prophecy is by far the most popular topic on the channel either via me talking or via some sort of onscreen presentation
2. An update frequency of about 5 videos per week Monday to Friday for such a heavy topic as Christianity is probably a bit overkill
3. Prophecy in the News going into some detail on some of the latest headlines is getting some sort of interest.
4. Christian Spirituality is getting limited interest
5. The new eye candy photo slide shows with music track backing and Bible quotes are getting some interest.
6. Preaching of some description is getting some sort of interest but Bible quotes in some shape or form are needed on screen or said in the transcript.
7. Why some videos do better than others even now is a complete and utter mystery that defies logic.
8. It is abundantly clear that what I think is a superb video that will go viral does not equate to that in the real world on You Tube
9. Messing around and having a laugh on a Christian Channel that is focused on the serious topic of End Times and pretending to be Casey Neistat or PewDiePie in the process goes down like a lead balloon, does not impress the punters and they are hitting the unsubscribe button quicker than you can say Adios
10. There is a lot more to learn and certainly a lot more experimenting will be required to see which way and what form The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel will take.
11. You Tube is at Saturation point and most popular topics have been covered by hundreds if not thousands of others and you will just get buried. You have to come up with something different or original or a different take on what is proving popular to achieve some form of success.
12. If you haven´t shaved for 3 or 4 days and your hair looks like you have been sleeping rough for two years, I've realised people don´t care, it´s the content that matters although appearance is important for the thumb at least.

These are the often painful conclusions that have been reached after producing loads of content and spending vast amounts of time, shooting, editing and uploading videos with the end result, more subscribers but hardly that many considering the amount of effort involved.

So here's the new revised plan for 2017:
1. Uploads are being reduced to about an average of 2-3 videos per week which reduces the update frequency to normal levels, 5 is getting a bit spammy for a Christian End Times Channel. If it´s quiet it could be one video that week, if it is busy then up to 5 or more. Gives me more time to concentrate on this website and Twitter.
2. Bible Prophecy will feature HOPEFULLY at a target frequency of 2-3 times a month. It´s difficult to produce 3 prophecy videos in a week.
3. Prophecy in the News with me on screen or via an on screen presentation MAY feature initially once or so a week on an experimental basis.
4. I may get a decent add on standalone web cam for my laptop which may be used for news related topics. The one I have got my eye on is not cheap but is highly recommended by top You Tubers. The web cam built into my laptop is pretty basic.
5. Christian Spirituality will still be produced along with preaching around once a week and will contain Bible quotes. Number of views is immaterial, if each video affects one persons life and changes it for the better, then that video has achieved it´s objective.
6. No more messing around producing Blooper videos, this is a serious channel covering serious topics.
7. More experimenting will be taking place behind the scenes trying different forms of content, style, presentation and some obscure topics.
8. The bible quote slide show videos will feature at least 2-3 times a month.
9. Will continue to push for higher video quality and sound quality.
10. Have recently acquired some Professional level video editing software (Free) which I am currently experimenting with and will be used increasingly in the coming months, the learning curve on this beast of a software is steep.
11. Will try to make sure I have shaved and combed my hair at least, before shooting a video!
12. And finally and the most important, find out what people are looking for and want to watch RATHER than what I think people are looking for and want to want to watch. There is a massive difference.

After a hectic 2 months with visions of The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel going manic and blowing up overnight, the reality has set in that success on You Tube is not an overnight thing and involves a lot of hard work. You've got to be good these days with an element of luck thrown in, just the same as life. The bottom line for The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel though is to produce content that affects peoples lives and raises awareness of the times we are in rather than going down the purely views and subscribers route which in reality for a channel that is Not for Profit and doesn't feature advertising, views and subscribers is more a commercial concern or an ego trip.

To conclude, The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel will have some exciting new developments and continue into 2017, but in a less manic way with a much more slow and steady approach, with increasingly better and ORIGINAL content, searching for that niche that will provide content that people will find interesting to watch and that I enjoy and find interesting to make. And that in my opinion is a large chunk of what You Tube is all about.

A Thank you to all the new subscribers over at The Twelve Gates You Tube and the existing ones that have remained during this experimental phase.


Turn off the NOISE for 1 week and you will get answers! VID


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