The Twelve Gates Website News February 2017

The Twelve Gates Website News Feb 2017

The latest News and Developments concerning The Twelve Gates website for February 2017. changes that may be taking place over the coming weeks and months that will be of interest to regular visitors and new visitors alike.

The website/blog was started November 2015, so is now 1 year and 3 months old, still a baby in internet terms, but she is now starting to spread her wings and the End of Year news update stated that in 2017 it will be "business as usual" and "why change a winning formula".

A recent article covering those swarms of Black Birds in Houston Texas on the day before the US President Inauguration on 19 January 2017 as a result of watching a recent Last Messages Video on You Tube, (something I missed in the news) got absolutely hammered for a week or so, so much so it has gone straight to Number 1 on the all time views on the website. It's still getting interest, but it was a short article that took 30 minutes to produce and as a result, this has got me scratching my head at this end and the old brain cogs set into motion.

At present the website is purely focused on the Book of Revelation, Bible Prophecy and Christian Spirituality with in depth articles covering those topics. Update frequency is at present 3 times a week with updates on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday OR Wednesday, Thursday and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Friday depending on what else is going on with the other channels such as social media and You Tube and what is coming up in the news at the time. sometimes it's busy and other times it's quiet. That's just the way it is.

These normal articles done since the launch of the website, take a lot of time to research and take a long time to produce. They are getting a lot of interest from all quarters as they are just a little bit different to what you normally see out there. Had some interest from a couple of Universities in the US recently, which was an eye opener? Enough information is contained within the article to keep Christians interested, but also enough information for those who are not in the faith who are just curious about such topics and do not want to be bashed over the head with a bible repeatedly. In short the articles can be read by everybody. That is the motto of this website. I'm not here to convert people, that's a route you decide to go on yourself! I'm here to warn peopl of what is cominge. I'm just a Watchman on the wall, not a preacher or a prophet.

These articles and the frequency of updates will not be changing, about 3 times a week on the week days mentioned. No updates on the weekends as I'm normally researching topics for the following week. Also on these days I am also researching and working on producing videos for The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel for the following week.

Which brings me finally onto the new development that could be happening on a trial basis over the coming weeks and that is Prophecy in the News. This currently features over at The Twelve Gates Twitter using content written by other websites. The idea being on trial is producing shorter Prophecy News style headlines but produced by The Twelve Gates and not using other peoples material. This will not be for all headlines, as I don't have that sort of time, but for some headlines which are interesting, these articles will be put out there and will add another dimension to The Twelve Gates website.

Currently some articles focus on a particular headline but they tend to be days after the event, rather than hours, changing some of the posts to a more "Prophecy in the News" style will enable this website to react much quicker to emerging stories as and when they arise.

These trial smaller "Prophecy News" blog post/articles should be appearing in the next couple of weeks........maybe earlier. This is not turning into a News or Media website, everything stays the same but with just a few extra additions when things get busy and this year could prove very busy indeed.

As for further news!


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