The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel News October 2016

The Twelve Gates You Tube CHannel News October 2016

The latest news on The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel, the latest developments, what is going on behind the scenes and future plans. Been doing a lot of looking around at other channels, not only the incredibly successful ones, but the ones that just are not cracking it whatsoever. At present The Twelve Gates You Tube channel is neither incredibly successful but neither is it in the "just not cracking it whatsoever" category either. It´s not struggling, but sort of creeping relentlessly slowly forward and looks to be showing no signs of speeding up any time in the near future, not with the current content and update frequency. Which has got me thinking?

This announcement is being put out as over the next couple of weeks I will be spending considerably more time over at The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel with the target to have 50 quality videos on The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel by the end 2016. That´s if we are are still here? This means I will be spending less time over at this website and the associated Twitter @ThatFJ. These two just seem to be snowballing on their own these days, so a slow down in pace will not adversely affect them much in any way. Just don´t have much free time these days, so something has to give somewhere. There should be the same number of blog post updates per week (currently 3) but they may be slightly more erratic on days released and the posts will be shorter than usual. Any major headlines appearing will still be at Twitter but some videos maybe appearing to replace the current tweets coming from outside sources.

Have been watching a lot of How To videos on how to take your You Tube channel to the next level. Recommended is a channel called Video Creators  . Learnt a lot from this Tim Schmoyer guy and even he admits the early days of his channel were slow, crawling on all fours and there was not much enthusiasm for the videos he was producing. Some people even report posting videos and after two weeks they have ZERO views. At least The Twelve Gates channel is not in that category. This is where a lot of people just give up, thankfully I´m not one of those types..... but sometimes it is tempting.

Over the next couple of weeks quite a few new videos are planned to be published trying out different ideas and formats. Those that prove popular and more importantly get some sort of community involvement will be adopted on a permanent basis. Other videos that are flagging and look like they are non starters will be scrapped, deleted or maybe released and given a makeover, and other new ideas and formats will be tried. You Tube is all about views and subscribers but if they are not involved with your channel and leaving comments and actively engaging with your content, then the numbers are just a pointless ego trip and nothing more.

Here´s my analysis of The Twelve Gates Video Channel which is coming up to 10 months old from the release of the first video.

The first video went out on this channel on early February and the channel has moved through the following formats

Prophetic News Watch: Jason A style videos featuring a compilation of end times news headlines from the past month with no soundtrack as a backing, just news. Some interest, but nothing to get excited about. A lot of work to produce for just a couple of hundred views in a month or so. These were scrapped

End Times Topic Music Videos: these were based on something like the Last Messages channel at You Tube but focused on one topic such as Hail, Tsunamis, Fireballs, Earthquakes, Strange Skies, RFID etc. All were backed by a thumping in your face soundtrack and predictably these proved successful and one in particular is still getting interest now 6 months later. The problem with these videos was yes they were successful but this is primarily a Christian website and Christian You Tube channel and the crowd it was attracting was the "extreme weather porn" brigade instead of people more interested in End Times and it´s Biblical connections. So these were stopped. Wasn´t getting that many subscribers from these videos either.

End Times Photo Slide Shows and News Mix: a mixture of End Times photos and screen grabs of End Times News Headlines topic focused with some live news as an intro and a soundtrack backing later in the video. Some were successful most were flops. These were scrapped.

NEW: The Video Commentary Series. Complete change of focus, away from using other peoples content to create a mash up of videos with the associated copyright claim issues, and instead focusing on producing original content with a Christian bias covering all sorts of topics including Prophecy, End Times News Commentary, Christianity and Spirituality and other topics to do with the Book of Revelation. Featuring myself talking for 10-15 minutes giving my views and thoughts. RESULT: some videos are doing well, others are slow, some complete flops but the subscriber count has doubled in about a month or so and videos even with low view counts seem to be getting more comments, interest and interaction from other Christians in particular. This strongly suggests that this is one direction The Twelve Gates Channel should go. You Tube is not just about videos it´s about interaction as well. If you are getting no interaction, you are missing the point of what the platform is all about. I love producing these videos and they are more fun than producing video mash ups which granted are amazing when finished but the work to view/subscriber ratio for this channel was just not working out.

Other Video styles and Formats:
Other videos styles are being looked into such as End Times News Analysis similar to the Blog posts but instead live on video, a bit like Paul Begley (Are you serious) on You Tube.He seems to do well out if it and seems to have a good time doing it as well. Other videos that are flagging and look like they are non starters will be scrapped, deleted and other new ideas and formats will be tried.  Also maybe Bible Prophecy study and analysis and other forms of video style are being looked into. The Screen Recording style videos seem to do well as well for some reason and this is also being looked into.


You may notice on the last two videos that were shot outside in Holland Park in West London (sample of one below) the sound quality has increased dramatically as I have recently purchased an external microphone that plugs into my mobile and the difference is staggering. Have tried it on a windy day and it cuts out all the annoying wind noises that can ruin a video. Have also invested in some lighting (further details below). I am looking at possibly getting a DSLR with an external microphone in the future (have a tripod already) but need to see an increase in numbers before that is considered. In the meantime I currently shoot with my mobile that has 1080P which I downsize to 720P which is good enough for most situations and cuts down the file sizes.

Latest Video with me below filming in Holland Park West London on 26 October 2016


I like shooting outdoors but the problem was you are tied to the weather with the wind being your sound enemy. This problem has been removed with the new external microphone which means you can record anywhere, at anytime (unless it´s really windy) even in busy noisy streets. Should make for some interesting videos in the future, which I will be experimenting with for sure!

Have invested in some form of lighting (boot sale job for 1 pound) which will be used for more studio style videos indoors ,when it´s raining outside or trees are being uprooted by hurricane force winds outside.

The last few videos produced have been of variable quality regarding sound and lighting and these are my first attempts at doing such videos, but they are improving, all of them are unscripted bar a couple of the longer ones where I used subject headings and pointers to keep things flowing. The aim is to produce high quality videos in visual terms and in sound terms that are not far short of something shot with professional equipment, it can be done with a mobile, it just takes a bit of practice.

New Intro

A new The Twelve Gates Video professional style intro has been trialled on one video which I call "the falling dominoes intro" and will probably be appearing on all future videos wit the new tag line "leading you to the truth"

The latest two videos uploaded feature a New You Tube feature called "End Cards" which gives a link to The Twelve Gates website and a subscribe link plus one or two related videos at the last twenty seconds of the video.


That´s the latest developments over at The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel which I plan to be developing in a big way over the coming couple of months until the end of 2016. Target is 50 out of this world videos (currently the channel has just over 20) and something to rival the The Twelve Gates Twitter and The Twelve Gates website. There will be a lot of ruthless chopping and changing of videos around and much experimenting. From experience if a video is not cracking it in the first 24 hours, chances are it will have severely reduced chances of cracking it in the future, but some videos have proved that theory wrong, but not many.

The main problem for the You Tube Channel is the Twitter which is successful and there is not much incentive to go over to subscribe at You Tube at present if the updates appear over at Twitter. With the You Tube Channel becoming more community and socially focused however, there is a "missing the boat" incentive to subscribe to that channel as well, something you will miss if you are just over at Twitter. Just depends what you are looking for, social interaction or just something to tell you when the next update is. Exciting times ahead over at The Twelve Gates You Tube (assuming no World war 3)....

So that´s where my main focus will be in the coming months, business as usual sort of here and at Twitter. Hope you will join me and have some fun watching. As always watch for further news!


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