The Twelve Gates News April 2016
The Twelve Gates News April 2016 |
The latest news from The Twelve Gates concerning the website, YouTube Channel and Twitter and any other new or exciting upcoming developments.
The Website.
Blog posts are currently just once a week featuring an in depth article covering a particular topic that is End Times or Biblical Prophecy in nature even if the subject matter on first appearance has no link with Biblical Prophecy or End Times whatsoever. The blog posts have started to feature compilation videos from the NEW The Twelve Gates You Tube channel as supporting information in video form. Not all posts will feature this but increasingly blog posts will feature an additional video from our Channel. The video normally comes out a couple of days after the blog post. Looking to increase the blog post count to at least 2 a week at some stage. New side panel added today Photo and Bible Quote of the day, totally automated. Worth coming back every day to see the latest.
You Tube
The Twelve Gates You Tube channel has been officially live from 31 January 2016 and currently has 7 videos and the channel is now in a new format and now has been redesigned to feature discussion tabs, playlists and also a new The Twelve Gates Channel Trailer just a couple of days ago,
has been added for potential new subscribers to give them an idea of what the channel is all about.This also makes good standalone viewing for existing channel viewers also. Currently chewing over other video formats such as commentary and other formats but at present a monthly news video summary and a weekly in depth topic video either with or without music backing seems to be going down reasonable well at present with the Asteroids and Meteors video proving particularly popular.
Twitter @ThatFJ
With El Nino passing and fading, the news seems to have died down a bit with regards to Extreme Weather although it is still out there and updates have now shifted to just morning around 7am and evening around 8 or 9pm with a couple during the day when justfied. News content is shifting at The Twelve Gates Twitter more to political developments, changes in society and culture, geo political, diseases and other end times related things of a biblical nature and other non weather related items, although weather still features but less prominently so than in the past. News sources are also shifting to the more off the beaten track as this is an off the beaten track subject website, but main stream media is still used on occasion. All news is verified whenever possible
NEW Tumblr
The Twelve Gates has just been set up today at Tumblr, the media blogging website, just one post at present featuring The Twelve Gates channel trailer Video. Basic design but something that is being looked into to give another angle in a more visual form of End Times and Bible Prophecy in the News. It will also be used as another news source for photos and videos, things that don't show up on Twitter or You Tube. Will probalby feature just quick snippets of photos and videos that will be also posted on our Twitter. Currently being developed. Watch for further news.
NEW Wordpress
The Twelve Gates has just been set up today at, the blogging platform, again just one post at present featuring The Twelve Gates Channel Trailer Video and this at present will be a backup website to this main website. Again this will also function as an alternative news source more focused on the written word. Still thinking what to do with this blog but the header may give you a clue as to what it may end up being. A heavier more biblical based version of Wordpress platform so some of their work may feature on our Twitter feed at some stage to give an another angle on what is going on in our world in Biblical terms. Currently being developed. Watch for further news.
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