Music Videos with Religious Symbolism and Lyrics

Music Videos with Religious Symbolism?

An in depth article taking a closer look at mainstream and Indie music videos that feature a religious theme (obvious and hidden) and christian iconography.

This is a look in the opposite direction of the Illuminati in the Entertainment Industry article posted recently that as predicted proved incredibly popular, hence this one.

This article sets out to prove there is some good in the entertainment industry but you just have to search a bit harder for it. Here we move away from the Occult and Satanism and it's associated symbolism and into more of the Religious/Christian symbology and lyrics realm. We'll take a look at lyrics of some music from the past and present from various Genres from some of the major names in music and also see what symbolism and lyrics are used. I'll leave the why for you to figure out. The interpretation just like a painting is down to the individual.

You will notice with most of these music videos that the stars are not stripping off, there is no rampant occult symbolism, hypnotic dance routines, the in your face energy levels are turned down a few notches, things are vibing on a deeper level here, waters that run way way deeper, these are songs that contain the truth and have no hidden agenda and appeal more to a deep down human level as in your soul. You could say some may have some sort of "rock your very foundations" and life changing qualities about them. These are the sort of songs that even played decades from now never lose their power. Some songs will make you laugh

The Atheist Vs The Christian. Who is right?

The Atheist V The Christian?

The Atheists Vs The Christian. Another one of those infernal battles of what initially looks to be polar opposites, but do they have more in common than we think. One of my favourite topics. It is an absolute minefield, many advise not to even start going down this road it's a road to nowhere or a road to maybe a total loss in faith, exactly why I've dived in head first, I'm confident that the Atheist arguments will not have a dent on my faith! So who is right if anybody?

Before we start I am a Christian (new and born again) but I have the utmost respect for Atheists being a former rebel, love to hear their views and hear them out. Some of the most intelligent people on this planet are Atheists, but then a lot of highly intelligent people are Christians as well. This is a blog post where I let the Atheist have his day, a complete open ended article, you decide who is right and who is wrong.

The Atheist is a non believer, doesn't believe in God, is not religious and believes only in things that have a scientifically proven or rational explanation that we can see with our own eyes. Everything else is rubbish or false.

The Christian is a believer of Jesus Christ and God, is religious and only needs spiritual proof

Good Vs Evil. The classic power struggle?

Good V Evil. The classic power struggle?

The classic debate of what is Good and what is Evil. What's the difference? Is there a difference. How can you tell? If you are Evil can you become Good  and vica versa. Is the battle external as in all around us or is it inside the human psyche, conscious or otherwise such as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde . Are people born evil or good as in is it Genetic. Examples of Evil and Good in Hollywood Film and even advertising. Taking things to the extreme does Evil and Good actually exist or is everything neutral in our world and is only coloured by our preconceptions, society, religious or cultural brainwashing or even just a figment of our imaginations..........we actually live a a place that is utopia? We'll take a look at all these different views.

In my humble opinion there is a spiritual warfare going on in the world in these modern times between what I cal

The Illuminati in the Entertainment Industry. Is it real?

Katy Perry and One Eyed Symbolism

This is Part 2 of an in depth look at whether the Illuminati or Secret Society are myth or fact. This article will move on from the introduction, history, how it works, symbolism in everyday modern life and how it features in the corporate world and move straight into the whacky and bizarre world of the entertainment industry. It's a monster.

It will include what I saw as a Celebrity Photographer, the pervasiveness of satanic symbolism in the Music and Film Industry, some personal views on the Illuminati and other Occultic sects, some examples of how it appears in direct and indirect form. Also whether you believe in the Occult or not is totally irrelevant, there are people out there that very much believe in it and use it's power. It's out there, and it 's real, I'm talking from personal experience!. This article will require an extremely open mind, it's not your normal everyday stuff, and if you are a celebrity fanatic, or of a closed mind "this is garbage" or "conspiracy theory" mentality........................ then I suggest you stop reading now!

Still here? I was involved

The Illuminati. Myth or Reality?

The Illuminati. Myth or Reality?

This is an in depth article on the highly complex subject of the so called Illuminati. So complex in fact that this article is in two parts. Are they myth or real and fact?, if they are real how do they work, what fields in society is it present in and how to detect an Illuminati presence in everyday life and what to do about it if anything. OR is the Illuminati just another one of those nutty Conspiracy Theories? This is something you have to approach with an open mind, it's not normal everyday stuff,  otherwise you might as well stop reading now!

This Part 1 will look at Illuminati history, symbolism, and how it works and my involvement in the Entertainment Industry. Part 2 will take a closer look at the Entertainment Industry itself and reveal what is going on there ( if anything)

To answer the major burning question Does the Illuminati exist, is it real or just a myth? This is a question that can't be answered with a simple Yes or No answer. We are not talking Microsoft or Apple here, something that is highly visible and quoted on Stock Exchanges.. It's a Secret Society. The best way to answer the question is to backtrack and answer that question with another question "If the Illuminati doesn't exist, would the Entertainment Industry or any other sphere in society, would they be doing the things that they do in these modern times? When you answer this question you will realise that the answer is an undeniable "Yes" the Illuminati or something similar exists and it is real and working behind the scenes!

Secret societies have been around since the dawn of time. They

The Twelve Gates Christmas News

The Twelve Gates Christmas News

Merry Christmas to all followers of The Twelve Gates at Twitter and here at this website. What will be happening over Christmas and the latest website news and a quick Christmas Bible quote. How it all started!

Christmas and New Year Timetable

Updates on Twitter over the Christmas and New Year period will be less than normal which will be the norm everywhere because most of the media are on holiday with just skeleton staff.

Christmas Day No website updates and no Twitter updates unless

The Bible Code. Is there any truth in it?

The Bible Code. Is there any truth in it?

A fascinating look at the topic called "Bible Code" which takes the understanding of the Holy Book to a completely new level. This article is based purely on a video search on You Tube that produced this particular video as a "Recommended for You". Link at foot of article. It's in 2 parts but you get the general drift from Part 1. I'm no expert on such things but this is one of hundreds of weird and wonderful videos I see on my travels and there's a lot of stuff out there on Prophecy and End Times. This article is an illustration of what is out there. Some of it is good, some fact, some bizarre, but there is a lot of blatantly obvious rubbish out there.

This is a closer look at something that doesn't fit into any of these categories, and is potentially believable. It can be said it's highly controversial and a dangerous look digging deeper into the Hebrew Bible called The Torah which equates to the first five books of the Old Testament in the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). and forms the basis of the Jewish religion called Judaism.

The Torah according to Torah Resource International

The torah is, therefore, in the strict sense instruction designed to teach us the truth about God. Torah means direction, teaching, instruction,or doctrine

The language the Torah is based on is Hebrew which is a symbolic and numerical based language. Judaism is a religion heavily based on numbers! According to this video

The New World Order. Myth or a future reality

The New World Order. Myth or Future Reality?

The New World Order or NWO, what is it, is it real, does it exist now, if not when is it coming, if it is actually fact.  OR is it just all one big myth? This is information I have come across on my travels, via technical, scientific and religious sources the last few months and believe me it will be an eye opener.

There's a lot of hype surrounding the buzzword The New World Order (NWO) or One World and it will be increasing, but is it just that....hype? To answer that question you have to look at the current worldwide situation, countries and their borders, multitude of currencies, global trade agreements, diverse economies and financial markets, diverse ethnicity, multi religions, differing ID requirements, travel restrictions, country legal systems, different living standards, huge range of languages, technology, climate, ecosystems, politics, banking systems and much more.

The New World Order basically

The Twelve Gates You Tube Channel News

The Upcoming You Tube Channel News

News on The Twelve Gates You Tube channel, what to expect in content terms, when it will be going live with regard to updates, update frequency and everything else You Tube related.

You Tube as everybody knows is a fantastic what I would call sound and vision social media platform that when used correctly hits you between the eyes and gets whatever message you have across to the intended audience in no uncertain terms.

The Twelve Gates at You Tube aims

The Twelve Gates Website Launch News

The Twelve Gates website launch news

The latest news for The Twelve Gates Website which is launched today 27 November 2015.

With a recent rapid acceleration in worldwide events the launch date of this website has been brought forward a few weeks earlier as a result. If the world may have passed you by the last few weeks take a look at the latest Tweets at The Twelve Gates Twitter page. If you think the world is business as may need to think again?

Mass Animal Deaths Worldwide. Is there an explanation?

Mass Animal Deaths Wordlwide. What is the explanation?

Animals on land, sea and air are dying in increasingly large numbers, it seems to be becoming more frequent in 2015. Fingers seem to be pointing at pollution and pesticides in all these areas being the main cause. Climate change, Disease, Pathogens and El Nino are  also being cited as a contributory factor. Toxic waste is yet another. More bizarre causes cited for the deaths include: a result of UFOs, government tests, or even secret weapons. The death levels are so high what would normally take thousands of years to wipe out and make a species extinct, at the current rate would take merely years for this extinction to take place.

This article concerning recent antelope deaths is a case in point. Information courtesy Live Science

It's affecting all species,

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